Cybersecurity Awards

Cybersecurity Awards


Current security leaders need to be aware of and adapt to developing patterns, potential risks, and approaches in order to effectively protect against them.

The role of a chief information security officer (CISO) has significantly evolved, with 86% stating that their job has undergone such extensive transformations since they began that it can be considered an entirely new position.

An increasing number of CISOs are taking on the role of cybersecurity strategists and leaders, actively participating in board-level committees and strengthening their influence within corporate power centers. However, CISOs still need to remain vigilant in defending against complex threats and enhancing their organizations’ digital defenses. Although CISOs may experience a higher status, they also face greater business risks and need to put in more effort to justify investments in security.

The results of our research on over 350 senior security executives have shown us what they are currently focusing on and the potential possibilities they anticipate in the future. The most significant discoveries include:

  • Seventy percent (70%) of individuals believe that artificial intelligence benefits those who attack more than those who defend, however, on the other hand, 35% of people are already testing it for cybersecurity defense purposes.
  • Almost half of the respondents now have a direct reporting line to the CEO. Boards are increasingly involved in matters related to security.
  • Following a ransomware attack, 83% of the victims chose to pay the attackers, either through direct payment, utilizing cyber insurance, or engaging a negotiator.

Gain insights from the research report on how CISOs are confronting the most recent hazards, staying updated on artificial intelligence advancements, and transforming the security culture within their company.